Biography: |
Since graduation, I have lived in Maryland,Virginia,Florida,Colorado,Nebraska,Arizona,Texas,California & Mass. I have served in U.S.Navy,U.S.Air Force & Air Force National Guard.Been around the world two times. Served two tours of Combat Duty in Vietnam. Lived & worked in Indpls.Indiana before moving to Salem, MA where I worked & retired before moving back to French Lick.I am currently enjoying retirement and spending time with hobbies I never had time to enjoy before. I am active with our local American Legion Post 76 where I have served as Past Commander and now Vice Commander. I reorganized our Color Guard and have marched away with a number of awards. I was married and now divorced. My most memorable memories of High School were the Sock Hops, Basketball games, marching in the Band & playing concerts in the old Wells Lot. Last but certainly not least was the thrill of graduation. I may not have ended up as successful as most of my classmates, but I wouldn't trade all my travels & experiences since graduation for any successes I might have had. However, I was looking for adventure and I certainly found it.